Doppelgänger Traits

I feel fury rise within me
“You’re just wrong” I want to call out
My face aflame
My breathing tight
Full of righteous rage

I feel the goodness rise within me
“I wish you peace,” I want to call out
My eyes gracious
My breathing easy
Full of lovingkindness

How can rage and kindness
both live within me?
Where do these two me’s
connect within my Self?

Can I create a space
where compassion softens rage
while my anger still inspires
action toward justice?

Image is AI generated.

The Day Twenty-five prompt is to write a poem based on the “Proust Questionnaire,” a set of questions drawn from Victorian-era parlor games, and adapted by modern interviewers. You could choose to answer the whole questionnaire, and then write a poem based on your answers, answer just a few, or just write a poem that’s based on the questions. You could even write a poem in the form of an entirely new Proust Questionnaire.
While this poem does not directly answer any specific question, it does discuss opposing traits.

4 thoughts on “Doppelgänger Traits

  1. In my abstract vision of your poetic quest, LuAnne, the light that shapes the space created by its poetic quest, illuminates the fulcrum of the teeter-totter of astral twins, balancing justice with mercy. 🙂

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