Making Lava Aid Out of Cherries

Oh no, what to do with messy fingers
from delighting in summer ripe cherries?

No napkin?

Use a sketch book page
paint lava trails with cherry juice
that turn to ash as they flow
feeding flowers with rich volcanic soil

Graphic from a page in my art journal.
Yes, some of the lava was fingerpainted with cherry juice. Yum!

10 thoughts on “Making Lava Aid Out of Cherries

  1. I forgot about the cherries. Food “juice” sometimes gives you different colors than you expect (e.g., coffee is much more yellow than I anticipated & it’s hard to make it look dark). Lovely work & glad the expected color emerged.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wasn’t sure what I expected but since you read that moving poem about volcanic ash nurturing flowers – and my fingers were juicy red, I thought I would try it. It looked pretty good so I ate more cherries. 🙂


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